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The current page:   Home  -  Polyester-Based TPUPolyester-Based TPU

E3 Series
E3 Series
E3 Series

Features: Excellent Processing Properties, Fast Setting Time, No Migration, Excellent Transparency, Easy for Electroplating and Printing.

Applications: Phone&Pad Cover, Footwear, Compounding&Modification, Wheel & Caster, Pneumatic Tube, Overmolding, Tapes, Tyre Chain, Films etc.

Properties Standard Unit E380 E385 E390 E395 E355D
Density ASTM D792 g/cm3 1.19 1.2 1.2 1.21 1.21
Hardness ASTM D2240 A/D 83/- 87/- 93/- 95/- -/55
Tensile Strength ASTM D412 MPa 35 40 40 45 45
100% Modulus ASTM D412 MPa 5 6 10 13 15
300% Modulus ASTM D412 MPa 9 10 13 22 23
Elongation at Break ASTM D412 % 550 500 450 400 400
Tear Strength ASTM D624 kN/m 110 115 130 145 150
Tg DSC °C -25 -25 -20 -15 -12

NOTE: The above values are shown as typical values and should not be used as specifications.

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